Event Pre-Work

It is important that all participants come prepared with the following items completed prior to Thursday, July 28th. Please find the required pe-work items listed below for both the General Assembly and Stead Leadership Seminar.

All Attendees

Please review the "Know Before You Go" packet and ensure you have filled out the transportation form and mentoring session forms.

Stead Leadership Seminar Attendees

To maximize your time and get the best learning experience during the Stead Leadership Seminar, please plan to review the information below and complete this pre-work prior to arriving in Arizona

Please note: SLS attendees should plan on bringing a laptop/tablet, or plan to use their Mobile Device for accessing the LambdaOnline platform. SLS participants will go through Ideal Man assets during their small group sessions.

1. Are you ready to learn all there is to know about Ideal Man? *We will be sending an email adding videos for you to review prior to arrival.

2. Watch these videos on Adult Learning & Training:
3. Complete the SLS Pre-Assessment and the 16 Personalities Assessment.
4. Finally, reflect on two recent training sessions/ lessons at college, one in which you felt engaged and motivated to learn, and afterwards able to recall and apply the key learning points, and one in which was below standard. For each of these experiences, answer the following questions:
  • How ready were you to learn?
  • How did the organization/ environment support your learning - before, during and after the session?
  • Was the relevance of the topic explained?
  • What did the trainer/ professor understand about your needs?
  • What was the balance between theory and application?
  • What did the trainer/professor do to impart the knowledge and skills?
  • Did you understand the next steps, and did you apply those next steps?

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Use #GA22 and #Brothers1st When You Post

We encourage you to use both event hashtags so we can collect all event-related posts and re-share from our global account. 

Help Spread the Word With These Tweetables 

Not sure what to post? Help us spread the word and support the key messages of the event, like the new Ideal Man Program. Help us share, here. (This page is coming soon!)